Thursday, December 31, 2009

sinking to the bottom of my everything

My titles are gonna be song lyrics. So you've been forewarned. This is from the song "Into the Ocean" by Blue October.

Anyways, I was at the mall with my girlfriend the other day and we were going into stores which I cannot stand. Hollister, American Eagle, Abercrombie & Fitch... none of which are my style, nor will I buy anything from any of them. They're her style. 
So we were walking around in A&F and I kept seeing their posters on the walls, bare-chested guys and topless girls, their breasts pressed tightly against the guys so you couldn't see anything. Now, my girlfriend made me aware, which I'd also heard prior, that these ads are considered softcore pornography. And I started thinking about it. Why would a clothing store choose to display ads with scantily clad people? If they're trying to sell clothes, shouldn't the models be wearing their clothes? I thought it was a good question. I mean, sure the ads are provocative, so maybe teenagers will shop there because the ads are so sex-driven. They don't display the clothes they're trying to sell though, which seems to go against the point of being a clothing store.

Lately, I've been hard at work on writing songs, completed five over the past month or so. I wanna start a band in the summer with some friends. Hopefully this time it pans out. Style of music is yet to be decided.

School break has been good so far, but it's strange. You pine for break for the longest time, but then when it's about halfway over, you just want it to end. Maybe it's too long. I mean, I love being away from school, but I also miss school. College is different than high school. You get to know the people you live with, the people you have classes with. And then when you get back to school, you miss the friends you have at home. It's a confusing, complex arrangement of I-miss-them, but I'm-gonna-miss-them-too when I leave. 

I'm also working on a few novel ideas. I never know if any will be finished, but that's my goal in life, to write books. So I'm sure some will eventually get written.

Well, it's new year's eve, I'm going to a party tonight with some high-school friends and my girlfriend. My resolution: no soda for 2010. Now, this is gonna be one of the most impossible things for me to hold to considering how often I drink soda. But, it's another goal. With commitment I can succeed...I think.